Last update: November 1st, 2022

IMPORTANT NOTE: The information below will be updated as the COVID-19 situation evolves. We invite you to read these questions and answers in light of all available information and communications transmitted by government authorities and their recommendations, which evolve rapidly. We will do our best to update this section on a timely basis to keep you informed of the situation and of our decisions. It is therefore important to consult it regularly.

Assistance and travel cancellation

  • In accordance with the provisions of our group contracts, cancellation insurance covers prepaid expenses to the extent that the insured, at the time of finalizing travel arrangements, is not aware of any event that could reasonably lead to the cancellation or interruption of the planned trip. COVID-19 is considered a known event in group trip cancellation insurance coverage.

    Therefore, no claims are eligible on the basis of Government of Canada travel advisories ( if, at the time the insured made their travel arrangements, it was already recommended that travelers avoid non-essential travel (Level 3) or all travel (Level 4) to the region or country where the insured intended to travel.

    As of November 1, 2022, if the insured contracts COVID-19 prior to the scheduled departure date and must cancel their travel for this reason, they may be eligible for the trip cancellation benefit, depending on the terms of their policy.

    If the travel agency or airline company offers a credit as a refund, we will deduct this amount from the refund.

    For any questions about our travel insurance and trip cancellation, insureds can contact us at: 1‑877‑875‑4130

  • Since March 19, 2021, insureds travelling to a region where the risk level established by the government of Canada in its Consular Notices as level 3 (Avoid non-essential travel) related to COVID-19, are covered by their travel insurance and assistance benefit.

    Given the current circumstances related to the ongoing pandemic, travel assistance services could however be disrupted.

    Humania will cover admissible health care expenses according to the terms and conditions of the contract, including those expenses associated to a COVID-19 infection.

    To be eligible, the insured must, at the time of departure:

    • Be symptom-free;
    • Not have tested positive for COVID-19, nor be awaiting a screening result;
    • Not have been in contact with a person who has tested positive during a COVID-19 screening within the last 14 days preceding departure.

    The coverage offered excludes all costs related to COVID-19 screening tests (before or after the trip).

    If the insured is diagnosed positive to COVID and the country’s rules require self-isolation, the insured is eligible for the policy’s living allowance for accommodation and meals, if applicable.

    Insureds travelling to a region where the established risk is level 4 (Avoid all travel) remain ineligible for coverage, as per the exclusions of the contract. Should an insured nonetheless decide to travel to a destination subject to a Level 4 notice from the Government of Canada, he or she will not be covered by the insurance policy and travel assistance services.

    If an insured is already in a country or a region when the government issues a Level 4 advisory, the insured must, at his own cost if any applies, take the necessary measures to leave this area as soon as possible. He or she will be covered by the insurance policy and travel assistance services during such period, provided he or she takes reasonable measures to leave that country or region.

Group Insurance: Short-Term Disability

  • The COVID‑19 vaccines currently available in Canada have been approved by Health Canada. They are not considered experimental treatments. You may be eligible to receive disability benefits if complications arising from the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine render you disabled, as defined in your contract.

    There is no exclusion that would apply in a life insurance claim related to the fact that the death results from a possible complication following vaccination against COVID-19.

  • Regardless of the diagnosis, to be eligible for disability benefits, you must meet your policy definition of disability: Being unable to perform the main duties of your job. The waiting period stipulated in your policy will apply.

  • To be eligible for disability benefits, you must meet your policy definition of disability: Being unable to perform the main duties of your job. The waiting period stipulated in your policy will apply.

  • If you are quarantined preventively, you are not eligible for Short-Term Disability insurance. However, we encourage you to check the eligibility requirements for employment insurance.

  • If you must be quarantined because you have been in contact with a person infected with COVID-19, this preventive quarantine will not be considered eligible for disability. However, we encourage you to check the eligibility requirements for employment insurance.

  • Yes, the attending physician statement is required for the assessment of your claim, as well as the initial statement completed by the employer and the employee. For claimants with COVID or COVID-19-like symptoms, Humania Assurance will accept as a medical form, on an exceptional basis, the CLHIA simplified form upon submission of the initial claim. If PCR test results are available, they must be attached to the claim. We continue to require an initial statement completed by the employer and the employee. If the disability continues, an attending physician statement will be required.

Individual Insurance: Claims

  • The COVID-19 vaccines currently available in Canada have been approved by Health Canada. They are not considered experimental treatments. Therefore, your claim will not be refused under the experimental treatment exclusion.

  • To qualify for Disability benefits you must meet the definition of Disability in your policy. However, we invite you to check the eligibility conditions for Employment Insurance.

  • To qualify for Disability benefits you must meet the definition of Disability in your policy. However, we invite you to check the eligibility conditions for Employment Insurance.

  • Yes. The waiting period specified in your policy applies. Please refer to your policy.

  • Be sure to contact our Customer Service Department to update your condition. An analyst will then be able to determine if you continue to meet the definitions in your contract in order to continue paying your benefits.

    Also be aware that many doctors continue to make appointments with their patients over the phone.

  • Yes, the attending physician statement is required for the assessment of your claim, as well as the initial statement completed by both the claimant and the employer. For claimants with COVID or COVID-19-like symptoms, Humania Assurance will accept as a medical form, on an exceptional basis, the CLHIA simplified form upon submission of the initial claim. If PCR test results are available, they must be attached to the claim. We continue to require an initial statement completed by the claimant and the employer. If the disability continues, an attending physician statement will be required.

Individual Insurance: Eligibility

  • Yes. However, please refer to your contract to find out what conditions apply to situations of unemployment at the onset of disability.

  • You are not eligible. Please refer to your financial security advisor for more information.